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Make sure your documents are legally signed via QES.

Verify the validity of digital signatures on your documents using independent validators from the Swiss Confederation and the European Commission.

Swiss validator

Use the official signature validator provided by the Federal Authorities of the Swiss Confederation to verify if a document is signed correctly with a qualified electronic signature (QES) according to the Swiss law (ZertES).

EU validator

Use the official signature validator from the European Commission to ensure a document is signed adequately with a qualified electronic signature (QES) as per the EU regulation (eIDAS).

You’ve got questions?
We’ve got answers.

What is a qualified electronic signature (QES)?

Is DeepSign compliant with document signing standards under EU and Swiss law?

How can I determine the jurisdiction under which a document was signed?

How do I know which type of signature to use?

How can I verify if a qualified electronic signature (QES) used to sign a document is legally valid?

Digitalise your signature processes securely with DeepSign.

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